1. The management and administration of the Harmony Grits will be vested in a Board of Directors (Board) consisting of six elected members: President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Booking Agent, and Librarian.
2. A slate of nominees for election will be presented to the membership by the Nominating Committee each year in April. In addition, any Grits member who is willing to serve in one of the Board positions may be nominated from the floor at the annual April meeting.
3. The term of office for all Board members is one year. In the event of a Board member's resignation or inability to serve the remainder of his term, the Board will appoint a Grits member to serve in that position until April when Board elections are held.
4. Board members may serve consecutive terms upon consent of the Nominating Committee and election by the membership. To provide continuity and aid knowledge transfer, the President will normally serve two consecutive terms, and the incumbent Vice-president will be nominated to serve as President at the end of the President’s second term, once again subject to consent of the Nominating Committee and election by the membership.
5. New Board members will begin their terms after a joint meeting of the new and old Boards at the end of the spring singing season in May.
6. The President, Vice-president and Librarian serve on the music selection committee, working with the director. As appropriate, the committee joins with its Village Voices counterpart for SATB selections.
1. CEO of the Board. Arranges for and presides at regular meetings of the Board.
2. Serves as primary contact with director and accompanist for employment and schedule. Obtains approval from the Board for financial commitments to the director and accompanist.
3. Serves as primary contact with the Village Voices on matters of mutual interest.
4. Determines annual rehearsal schedule, working with Gathering Place representative, director and accompanist. Books Gathering Place for rehearsal.
5. Serves on music selection committee.
6. Organizes a Nominating Committee, consisting of three persons selected from the entire membership. Board members who are not continuing members may serve on the Nominating Committee.
7. Works to recruit new members. Represents Grits at Newcomers meetings, welcomes new members and introduces them to the group, and directs new members to the librarian for music and music binders. Reports new members' names to the secretary, treasurer, and appropriate section leaders. Orients new members to Grits procedures and policies.
8. Makes announcements to members at rehearsals.
9. Assists the Vice-president in the management of his duties.
1. Becomes familiar with president’s duties and responsibilities. Assists President as needed. Acts as President in his absence.
2. Manages use of the Gathering Place - establishes schedule with Section Leaders for opening and closing. Insures that the Gathering Place is left in good order and the FHA form is filled out.
3. Coordinates facilities arrangements for concerts (venue scheduling, equipment transport, setup, takedown and storage).
4. Serves on the music selection committee.
1. Working with the director and Village Voices, obtains concert program content, prepares program and has it printed. Prepares directions to concert venues as needed.
2. Coordinates with Village Voices for concert program publication - includes making and enforcing schedule for inputs, and obtaining rosters, order of performers, order of music and biographies.
3. Prepares and submits releases regarding membership to the FHA Newsletter. Coordinates with Village Voices regarding concert announcements in the Newsletter and in distribution of promotional materials.
4. Acts as secretary for the Board. Keeps any required records, takes minutes and writes any required correspondence. Provides e-mail communication link between President and Board to membership.
5. In assistance to the Treasurer, maintains member roster and member e-mail addresses.
1. Prepares a summary of the ending season’s expenditures and a tentative budget for the coming season for review at the joint Board meeting in the spring.
2. Handles all banking transactions.
3. Collects members’ dues as established by the Board.
4. Presents regular financial reports to the Board.
5. Presents an annual financial report to the membership.
Booking Agent:
1. Arranges for concerts off-site, negotiating fees where applicable.
2. Acts as liaison with the Village Voices for off-site joint concerts.
3. Provides information to the Secretary for preparation of publicity.
1. Orders and distributes music to all members.
2. Maintains a file of all music.
3. Makes sure each member has the music, folders and binders that he needs.
4. Retrieves music and binders from former members.
5. Serves on music selection committee.
1. These Bylaws become effective immediately when ratified by the Membership.
2. These Bylaws may be amended by the Board, subject to approval by a vote of the membership.
Approved by Membership on April 8, 2010.
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